We manage all kind of residential and commercial property for our clients. People who live abroad or have migrated to another city, or for people who cannot or would not handle property related issues, GnK takes care of all. We help managing budgets and maintain the records.
G & K offers: Screening Tenants, Selling and Adjusting Rent, Property Maintainance, Collecting Rent, Handling Emergencies, Handling Problem with Property, Balance and Managing Budget.
We take responsibility for
You want to maintain the property just as you left it – GnK follows your instructions to the T and makes sure the sanctity & charm of the place is preserved, long after you have gone. Obviously, we keep an eye out there, on your behalf, against any form of trespassing or security threats. We also do timely maintenance review and arrange the repairs if required with the permission of owner.
You want us to handle the complete renting out process – In this case, the client authorizes GnK to decide on renters & all associated aspects. We normally sign a long term contract with the property owner which authorize us to get into agreements with new tenants, collect rent, selling rent, adjusting rent, handle maintenance work and renew the agreement every year.
We are responsible for:
Managing Tenenats
Finding Tenants
Screening Tenants
Handling Leases (deposit amount and clause in lease)